
How to grant or remove permissions to User

Permission relates to “What can a user do?”

Permissions are classified under Job, Recurring Job, Site, Asset, Client, Company, User, Site\Zone and Inspection.

They are broken down into being able to Create, Edit, View, Delete and Manage.

Users can be granted permissions based on their job profile and have the same permissions removed.

Note: If user does not have permission, the system will open the Overview Page by default

Step 1:

Click on the Users navigation bar item, within the Administration section.

A list of all users will show if there are any.

You can also use the search bar to search for the user as shown below

Click on the User whose Permissions need to be changed

Step 2:

On the menu at the top, click on Permissions menu-item.

Step 3:

Select or Deselect permissions as required

Selections are saved automatically